Monday, February 16, 2009

Ume on Dave Allen’s (of Gang of Four!) Pampelmoose Blog!

Gang of Four founding member Dave Allen shared some kind words about us today on his Pampelmoose Blog! Check it out here!

"How could I have not known about Ume? An Austin trio fronted by a whirling dervish of singer guitarist who in the standard PR band head shot looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly; yet give her a guitar, a Marshall stack and a mic and stand back, way back. She shreds. They have been around since 2003, have an album out called Urgent Sea and according to their 'Space have new music coming soon. I found these guys via the Dead Confederate tour blog as it appears that the two bands were on the same bill down there in Austin, TX. File under - Do Not Overlook and Go Tell Your Friends..."

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