Monday, March 2, 2009

Ume featured on CMJ.COM

We are excited to announce that Ume is featured on! A download is available from the site and a review.

"Straight from Austin’s fertile post-rock scene, home of genre stalwarts Trail Of Dead and Explosions In The Sky, shoegazers Ume (say that “oo-may”) sound a lot bigger than a typical rock trio. Fronted by petite Kim Gordon-esque bombshell Lauren Larson, the energetic band, teetering on a rail between poppy ’90s alt-rock and a noise-focused sonic assault, are only on their second EP. On the slow-burning bipolar jam “The Conductor” Larson’s sultry, echoing vocals—ranging from a sing-song melodic instrument to a barely audible near-whisper—are second only to the song’s bombastic instrumental pomp. Math breakdown punctuate rip-roaring guitar driven “The Means,” and the repetitive yet subtle hooks of closer “Pendulum” display Ume’s ability to manipulate the standard pop-rock sounds without becoming a clichĂ©. They’ve found their feet on a nice middle ground—in Sunshower’s five short, exquisitely polished tracks, Ume delivers a dynamic rock aesthetic that doesn’t rest upon classic three-chord rock-n-roll haunches." - Lisa Hresko, CMJ

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